Design, Creativity, and New Media
Time: Monday and Wednesday: 4:00pm - 5:15pm Location: DLC 170
Course Announcement - Spring 2009
CSCI 4412 taught jointly with CSCI-5412
Gerhard Fischer (
Time: Spring Semester 2009, Monday and Wednesday 4:00pm - 5:15pm
Location: L3D-Lab, Discovery Learning Center, DLC 170
Short Description
Rather than focusing on computation as and end unto itself, framing the expansive, dynamic qualities of software as new forms of media that afford new opportunities for thought and expression is a valuable perspective. This course explores the creation of new media and technologies to support design and creativity; analyzes design and creativity as human activities of fundamental importance in the networked information culture and economy; and provides theoretical and practical analysis of new media.
This course is an optional course for the Digital and Social Systems (DSS) Track in Computer Science. The course will give students an opportunity to deeply explore, understand, and engage in innovative uses of new media to support design and creativity. While it will acquaint students with new media and engage them in project work related to these media, it will transcend the purely technical aspects and explore fundamental understanding of human activities.
Topics covered in the Course:
- Design: science of the artificial, collaborative design, meta-design, design methodologies, domain-oriented design environments, reflective practitioners and reflective communities, new media in support of design
- Creativity: exploring creativity as a human activity, individual and social creativity, web 2.0 technologies, social production and mass collaboration, cultures of participation, learning when the answer is not known, distributed intelligence, creativity and IT
The course will be offered as a joint undergraduate/graduate course and will be open for students from other academic disciplines on campus (as represented by Cognitive Science and ATLAS) to explore transdisciplinary collaborations.
- Students who haven taken the course Digital and Social Systems (DSS) Foundations (CSCI 3002 and CSCI 7000-003.) in the Fall Semester 2008 can (are encouraged to) sign up for this course!
- Other Students: Consent of instructor required
Remark: Students who have NOT taken the Fall DSS course can browse the course wiki at:
to inform themselves about the background of that has been explored in the Fall course that will form the basis for the activities in the Spring offering.
the size of the names correlates to the users' activity in the wiki
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